Java Reference
In-Depth Information
public class SketchFrame extends Jframe implements Constants {
// SketchFrame class as before...
// Class defining a general purpose message box
class AboutDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener {
public AboutDialog(Frame parent, String title, String message) {
super(parent, title, true);
// If there was a parent, set dialog position inside
if(parent != null) {
Dimension parentSize = parent.getSize(); // Parent size
Point p = parent.getLocation(); // Parent position
// Create the message pane
JPanel messagePane = new JPanel();
messagePane.add(new JLabel(message));
// Create the button pane
JPanel buttonPane = new JPanel();
JButton button = new JButton("OK"); // Create OK button
buttonPane.add(button); // add to content pane
getContentPane().add(buttonPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
setDefaultCloseOperation(DISPOSE _ ON _ CLOSE);
pack(); // Size window for components
// OK button action
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
setVisible(false); // Set dialog invisible
dispose(); // Release the dialog resources
How It Works
The constructor first calls the base JDialog class constructor to create a modal dialog with the title bar given
by the title argument. It then defines the position of the dialog relative to the position of the frame.
When we create an instance of the AboutDialog class in the Sketcher program a
little later in this chapter, we'll specify the SketchFrame object as the parent for the
dialog. The parent relationship between the application window and the dialog implies
a lifetime dependency. When the SketchFrame object is destroyed, the
AboutDialog object will be too, because it is a child of the SketchFrame object.
This doesn't just apply to JDialog objects - any Window object can have another
Window object as a parent.
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