Java Reference
In-Depth Information
import java.awt.Container;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.geom.Point2D;
import java.awt.geom.CubicCurve2D;
import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D;
public class CurveApplet extends JApplet {
// Initialize the applet
public void init() {
pane = new CurvePane(); // Create pane containing curves
Container content = getContentPane(); // Get the content pane
// Add the pane displaying the curves to the content pane for the applet
content.add(pane); // BorderLayout.CENTER is default position
// Class defining a pane on which to draw
class CurvePane extends JComponent {
// Constructor
public CurvePane() {
quadCurve = new QuadCurve2D.Double( // Create quadratic curve
startQ.x, startQ.y, // Segment start point
control.x, control.y, // Control point
endQ.x, endQ.y); // Segment end point
cubicCurve = new CubicCurve2D.Double( // Create cubic curve
startC.x, startC.y, // Segment start point
controlStart.x, controlStart.y, // Control point for start
controlEnd.x, controlEnd.y, // Control point for end
endC.x, endC.y); // Segment end point
public void paint(Graphics g) {
Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D)g; // Get a 2D device context
// Draw the curves
// Points for quadratic curve
Point2D.Double startQ = new Point2D.Double(50, 75); // Start point
Point2D.Double endQ = new Point2D.Double(150, 75); // End point
Point2D.Double control = new Point2D.Double(80, 25); // Control point
// Points for cubic curve
Point2D.Double startC = new Point2D.Double(50, 150); // Start point
Point2D.Double endC = new Point2D.Double(150, 150); // End point
Point2D.Double controlStart = new Point2D.Double(80, 100); // 1st control point
Point2D.Double controlEnd = new Point2D.Double(160, 100); // 2nd control point
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