Java Reference
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Combining Rectangles
You can combine two rectangles to produce a new rectangle that is either the union of the two original
rectangles or the intersection . Let's take a couple of specifics to see how this works. We can create two
rectangles with the statements:
float width = 120.0f;
float height = 90.0f;
Rectangle2D.Float rect1 = new Rectangle2D.Float(50.0f, 150.0f, width, height);
Rectangle2D.Float rect2 = new Rectangle2D.Float(80.0f, 180.0f, width, height);
We can obtain the intersection of the two rectangles with the statement:
Rectangle2D.Float rect3 = rect1.createIntersection(rect2);
The effect is illustrated in the diagram below by the shaded rectangle. Of course, the result is the same if
we call the method for rect2 with rect1 as the argument. If the rectangles don't overlap the rectangle
that is returned will be the rectangle from the bottom right of one rectangle to the top right of the other
that does not overlap either.
The following statement produces the union of the two rectangles:
Rectangle2D.Float rect3 = rect1.createUnion(rect2);
The result is shown in the diagram
by the rectangle with the heavy
boundary that encloses the other
Testing Rectangles
Perhaps the simplest test you can apply is for an empty rectangle. The isEmpty() method that is
implemented in all the rectangle classes returns true if the Rectangle2D object is empty - which is
when either the width or the height (or both) are zero.
You can also test whether a point lies inside any type of rectangle object by calling its
contains() method. There are contains() methods for all the rectangle classes that accept a
Point2D argument or a pair of ( x , y ) coordinates of a type matching that of the rectangle class: they
return true if the point lies within the rectangle. Each shape class defines a getBounds2D() method
that returns a Rectangle2D object that encloses the shape.
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