Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The basic elements in the original version of the program are shown below:
This specifies that
is accessible from outside
of the class
public class Fruit
This specifies that
exists without any objects
being defined
public static void main(String[] args)
This specifies that
does not return a value
//Declare and initialize three variables
int oranges = 5;
int apples = 10;
int fruit = 0;
fruit = oranges + apples; //Calculate the total fruit
System.out.println("A totally fruity program");
System.out.println("Total fruit is " + fruit); // Display the result
Execution starts with
this statement
Executable code
for main()
This displays the
first output line
This displays the
second output line
Our program consists of just one class, Fruit , and just one method, main() . Execution of an
application always starts at the first executable statement in the method main() . There are no objects
of our class Fruit defined, but the method main() can still be executed because we have specified it
as static . The method main() is always specified as public and static and with the return type
void . We can summarize the effects of these on the method as:
Specifies that the method is accessible from outside the Fruit class.
Specifies that the method is a class method that is to be executable, even though
no class objects have been created. (Methods that are not static can only be
executed for a particular object of the class, as we will see in Chapter 5.)
Specifies that the method does not return a value.
Don't worry if these are not completely clear to you at this point - you will meet them all again later.
The first three statements in main() declare the variables numOranges , numApples , and numFruit
to be of type int and initialize them to the values 5, 10, and 0 respectively. The next statement adds the
values stored in numOranges and numApples , and stores the result, 15, in the variable numFruit .
We then generate some output from the program.
Producing Output
The next two statements use the method println() which displays text output. The statement looks a
bit complicated but it breaks down quite simply:
This is the name of the class
that contains the object out
This is a method in
the object out
System.out.println("A totally fruity program");
This is a
Whatever you specify between the parentheses
is passed to the
in the class
method and displayed
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