Java Reference
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It's not an ideal arrangement, but we will improve on it.
How It Works
The shaded code is of interest - the rest we have seen before. The first block creates the left column of
radio buttons providing a color choice. A Box object with a vertical orientation is used to contain the
radio buttons. If you tried the radio buttons you will have found that only one of them can ever be
selected. This is the effect of the ButtonGroup object that is used - to ensure radio buttons operate
properly, you must add them to a ButtonGroup object.
The ButtonGroup object ensures that only one of the radio buttons it contains can be selected at any
one time. Note that a ButtonGroup object is not a component - it's just a logical grouping of radio
buttons - so you can't add it to a container. We must still independently add the buttons to the Box
container that manages their physical arrangement. The Box object for the right-hand group of
JCheckBox objects works in the same way as that for the radio buttons.
Both the Box objects holding the columns are added to another Box object that implements a horizontal
arrangement to position them side-by-side. Note how the vertical Box objects adjust their width to
match that of the largest component in the column. That's why the two columns are bunched towards
the left side. We will see how to improve on this in a moment.
We use a JPanel object to hold the buttons. This has a flow layout manager by default, which suits us
here. Calling the setPreferredSize() method for each button sets the preferred width and height
to that specified by the Dimension object, size . This ensures that, space permitting, each button will
be 80 pixels wide and 20 pixels high.
We have introduced another way of obtaining a border for a component here. The BorderFactory
class (defined in the javax.swing package) contains static methods that return standard borders of
various kinds. The createBevelBorder() method returns a reference to a BevelBorder object as
type Border - Border being an interface that all border objects implement. We use this border for
each of the buttons. We will try some more of the methods in the BorderFactory class later.
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