Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The JMenuBar class defines a menu bar usually found at the top of an application window. A JMenu
object represents a top-level menu item on a menu bar that pops up a list of menu items when it is
clicked. The items in a menu are defined by the JMenuItem class. The JPopupMenu class defines a
context menu that is typically implemented to appear at the current cursor position when the right
mouse button is clicked. A JCheckBoxMenuItem component is a menu item with a checkbox that is
ticked when the item is selected. The JRadioButtonMenuItem class defines a menu item that is part
of a group where only one item can be selected at any time. The group is created by adding
JRadioButtonMenuItem objects to a ButtonGroup object. We will be implementing a menu in an
application and an applet later in this chapter.
Text Components
The capability of the Swing text components is very wide indeed.
The most elementary text component is a JLabel object:
A JLabel component is passive and does not react to input events so you can't
edit it.
A JTextField component looks similar to a label in that it displays a single line of text, but in this
case it is editable.
JFormattedTextField component is a JTextField component that can control
and format the data that is displayed or entered. It can supply automatic formatting in many instances.
Here it has automatically displayed a Date object as a date.
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