Java Reference
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Special debugging support for graphics, providing component rendering in slow motion so
you can see what is happening.
Component classes can be easily extended to create your own custom components.
All the Swing component classes are defined in the javax.swing package and have class names that
begin with J . There are quite a few Swing components, so we'll get an overview of what's available and
how the classes relate to one another and then go into the detail of particular components when we use
them in examples.
The Swing button classes define various kinds of buttons operated by clicking with a mouse. The button
classes have AbstractButton as a base, as shown below.
The JButton class defines a regular pushbutton that you would use as a dialog button or in a toolbar.
This is an example of a JButton object. This component has a border of type
BevelBorder added to it.
The JToolBar class is used in conjunction with the JButton class to create a toolbar containing
buttons. A toolbar is dockable without any additional programming effort on your part, as we will see.
JToggleButton defines a two-state button, pressed or not, and there are two more specialized
versions defined by JCheckBox and JRadioButton . Radio buttons defined as JRadioButton
objects generally operate in a group so that only one button can be in the pressed state at any one time.
This grouping is established by adding the JRadioButton object to a ButtonGroup object that takes
care of the state of the buttons in the group.
This is an example of a JCheckBox object. Clicking on the checkbox
changes its state from checked to unchecked or vice versa.
All the buttons can be displayed with a text label, an icon, or both.
The Swing components include support for pop-up or context menus as well as menu bars. The classes
defining elements of a menu are shown overleaf.
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