Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The diagram shows how the dimensions relate to the font. The advance width for a character is the
distance from the reference point of the character to the reference point of the next character. The
reference point for a character is on the base line at the left edge of the character. Each character will
have its own advance width which you can obtain by calling a FontMetrics method charWidth() .
For example, to obtain the advance width for the character ' X ' the following statement could be used:
int widthX = metrics.charWidth('X');
You can also obtain the advance widths for all the characters in the font as an array of type int with
the method getWidths() :
int[] widths = metrics.getWidths();
The numerical value for the character is used to index the array, so you can get the advance width for
the character ' X ' with the expression widths['X'] . If you just want the maximum advance width for
the characters in the font, you can call the method getMaxAdvance() . Lastly, you can get the total
advance width for a String object by passing the object to the method stringWidth() . The
advance width is returned as a value of type int .
Although you now know a great deal about how to create and manipulate fonts, we haven't actually
created and used one. We will remedy this after we have got a feel for what Swing components can do
and learned a little about using containers.
Swing Components
Swing components all have the JComponent class as a base which itself extends the Component class
to add the following capability:
Supports pluggable look-and-feel for components, allowing you to change the look and feel
programmatically, or implement your own look-and-feel for all components displayed.
Support for tooltips - a tooltip being a message describing the purpose of a component when
the mouse cursor lingers over it. Tooltips are defined by the JTooltip class.
Support for automatic scrolling in a list, a table, or a tree when a component is dragged with
the mouse.
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