Java Reference
In-Depth Information
You can alter some aspects of the appearance of the basic component by calling methods for the object.
The following methods have an effect on the appearance of a Component object:
void setBackground(
Color aColor)
Sets the background color to aColor . The background color
is the color used for the basic component, as created by the
operating system.
Color getBackground()
Retrieves the current background color.
void setForeground(
Color bColor)
Sets the foreground color to bColor . The foreground color
is the color used for anything appearing on the basic
component, such as the label on a button, for example.
Color getForeground()
Retrieves the current foreground color.
void setCursor(
Cursor aCursor)
Sets the cursor for the component to aCursor . This sets the
appearance of the cursor within the area occupied by the
Component object.
void setFont(
Font aFont)
Sets the font for the Component object.
Font getFont()
Returns the Font object used by the component.
To be able to make use of these properly, we need to understand what Color objects are, and we also
need to know how to create Cursor and Font objects.
Defining Color
A screen color is represented by an object of class Color . You define a color value as a combination of the
three primary colors: red, green, and blue. They are usually expressed in that sequence, and are often
referred to as RGB values . There are other ways of specifying colors in Java, but we will confine ourselves to
RGB. You can specify the intensity of each primary color to be a value between 0 and 255. If the intensities
of all three are 0, you have the color black, and if all three are set to 255 you have white. If only one intensity
value is positive and the others are zero, you will have a pure primary color; for example (0, 200, 0) will be a
shade of green. We could define variables corresponding to these colors with the statements:
Color myBlack = new Color(0,0,0); // Color black
Color myWhite = new Color(255,255,255); // Color white
Color myGreen = new Color(0,200,0); // A shade of green
The three arguments to the constructor correspond to the intensities of the red, green, and blue
components of the color respectively. The Color class defines a number of standard color constants as
public final static variables, whose RGB values are given in parentheses:
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