Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Returns the root pane as type JRootPane .
Returns the layered pane as type JLayeredPane .
Returns the content pane as type Container . This is the method
you will use most frequently, since you normally add components
to the content pane.
Returns the glass pane as type Component .
All the classes discussed here that represent panes are themselves Swing components, defined in the
javax.swing package. A JApplet object has the same arrangement of panes as a JFrame object, so
adding components to an applet, or drawing on it, works in exactly the same way. An applet defined as
a JApplet object can also have a menu bar just like an application window.
All the panes, as well as the menu bar, are components, so before we start delving into how to add a
menu bar or other components to a window, let's unearth a little more about the make-up of
components in general.
Basics of Components
There's quite a lot of basic stuff that is common to all components that we have to examine before we
can apply components properly. It also has applications in many different contexts. While this may
seem like something of a catalog of classes and methods, without much in the way of practical
application, please stay with it. We will be using most of these capabilities in a practical context later.
To understand the fundamental things we can do with Swing components, we will examine what
functionality they inherit from the Component and Container classes.
When a component is contained within another component, the outer object is referred to as the parent .
You can find out what the parent of any given component is by calling its getParent() method. This
method is inherited from the Component class and it returns the parent as type Container , since only
a subclass of Container can hold other components. If there is no parent, as is the case with a JFrame
component, this method will return null .
Component Attributes
The Component class defines attributes, which record the following information about an object:
The position is stored as ( x , y ) coordinates. This fixes where the object is in relation to its
container in the coordinate system of the container object.
The name of the component is stored as a String object.
The size is recorded as values for the width and the height of the object.
The foreground color and background color that apply to the object. These color values are
used when the object is displayed.
The font used by the object when text is displayed.
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