Java Reference
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Graphical User Interfaces in Java
There is a vast amount of functionality in the Java class libraries devoted to supporting graphical user
interface (GUI) creation and management, far more than it is feasible to cover in a single book - even if
it is big. Just the JFrame class, which we will be exploring in a moment, contains more than 200
methods when one includes those inherited from superclasses! We will therefore have to be selective in
what we go into in detail, in terms of both the specific classes we discuss and their methods. We will
however cover the basic operations that you need to understand to create your own applications and
applets. With a good grasp of the basics, you should be able to explore other areas of the Java class
library beyond those discussed without too much difficulty.
The fundamental elements that you need in order to create a GUI reside in two packages, java.awt
and javax.swing . The java.awt package was the primary repository for classes you would use to
create a GUI in Java 1.1 - ' awt ' being an abbreviation for A bstract W indowing T oolkit, but many of the
classes it defines have been superseded in Java 2 by javax.swing . Most of the classes in the
javax.swing package define GUI elements, referred to as Swing components, that provide much-
improved alternatives to components defined by classes in java.awt . We will be looking into the
JButton class in the Swing set that defines a button, rather than the Button class in java.awt .
However, the Swing component classes are generally derived from, and depend on, fundamental classes
within java.awt , so you can't afford to ignore these.
The Swing classes are part of a more general set of GUI programming capabilities that are collectively
referred to as the Java Foundation Classes , or JFC for short. JFC covers not only the Swing component
classes, such as those defining buttons and menus, but also classes for 2D drawing from the
java.awt.geom package, and classes that support drag-and-drop capability in the java.awt.dnd
package. The JFC also includes an API defined in the javax.accessibility package that allows
applications to be implemented that provide for users with disabilities.
The Swing component classes are more flexible than the component classes defined in the java.awt
package because they are implemented entirely in Java. The java.awt components depend on native
code to a great extent, and are, therefore, restricted to a 'lowest common denominator' set of interface
capabilities. Because Swing components are pure Java, they are not restricted by the characteristics of
the platform on which they run. Apart from the added function and flexibility of the Swing components,
they also provide a feature called pluggable look-and-feel that makes it possible to change the
appearance of a component. You can programmatically select the look-and-feel of a component from
those implemented as standard, or you can create your own look-and-feel for components if you wish.
The pluggable look-and-feel of the Swing components has been facilitated by designing the classes in a
particular way, called the Model View Control architecture .
Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture
The design of the Swing component classes is loosely based on something called the Model-View-
Controller architecture, or MVC. This is not of particular consequence in the context of applying the
Swing classes, but it's important to be aware of it if you want to modify the pluggable look-and-feel of a
component. MVC is not new, and did not originate with Java. In fact the idea of MVC emerged some
time ago within the context of the Smalltalk programming language. MVC is an idealized way of
modeling a component as three separate parts:
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