Java Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
We've made the inTray object a synchronized LinkedList , by passing it to the static
synchronizedList() method in the Collections class. This method returns a thread-safe List based
on the original LinkedList object. We use the thread-safe List object to store up to maxTransactions
transactions - eight in this case. The doTransaction() method for a Clerk object makes sure that a
transaction is only added to the list if there are less than eight transactions queued.
The doTransaction() method for the Bank object always obtains the first object in the List , so the
transactions will be processed in the sequence in which they were added to the list .
If your operating system supports priority scheduling, altering the thread priority values will change the
pattern of servicing of the transactions.
In this chapter you have learned about threads and how you can create and manage them. We will be
using threads from time to time in examples later in this topic so be sure you don't move on from here
without being comfortable with the basic ideas of how you create and start a thread.
The essential points that we have covered in this chapter are:
Threads are subtasks in a program that can be in execution concurrently.
A thread is represented by an object of the class Thread . Execution of a thread begins with
the execution of the run() method defined in the class Thread .
You define the code to be executed in a thread by implementing the run() method in a class
derived from Thread , or in a class that implements the interface Runnable .
A thread specified as daemon will cease execution when the thread that created it ends.
A thread that isn't a daemon thread is called a user thread . A user thread will not be
terminated automatically when the thread that created it ends.
You start execution of a thread by calling the start() method for its Thread object. If you
need to halt a thread before normal completion you can stop execution of a thread by calling
the interrupt() method for its Thread object.
Methods can be declared as synchronized . Only one synchronized instance method for
an object can execute at any given time. Only one synchronized static method for a
class can execute at one time.
A code block can be declared as synchronized on an object. Only one synchronized code
block for an object can execute at any given time.
In a synchronized method or code block, you can call the wait() method inherited from the
class Object to halt execution of a thread. Execution of the waiting thread will continue
when the notify() or notifyAll() method inherited from Object is called by a thread
synchronized on the same object.
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