Java Reference
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The Object class defines the methods wait() , notify() , and notifyAll() , which you can use to
provide a more efficient way of dealing with this kind of situation. Since all classes are derived from Object ,
all classes inherit these methods. You can only call these methods from within a synchronized method, or
from within a synchronized code block, and an exception of type IllegalMonitorStateException will
be thrown if you call them from somewhere. The functions that these methods perform are:
There are three overloaded versions of this method.
This version suspends the current thread until the notify() or
notifyAll() method is called for the object to which the wait()
method belongs. Note that when any version of wait() is called, the
thread releases the synchronization lock it has on the object, so any
other method or code block synchronized on the same object can
execute. As well as enabling notify() or notifyAll() to be
called by another thread, this also allows another thread to call
wait() for the same object.
Since all versions of the wait() method can throw an
InterruptedException , you must call it in a try block with a
catch block for this exception, or at least indicate that the method
calling it throws this exception.
wait(long timeout)
This version suspends the current thread until the number of
milliseconds specified by the argument has expired, or until the
notify() or notifyAll() method for the object to which the
wait() method belongs is called, if that occurs sooner.
wait(long timeout,
int nanos)
This version works in the same way as the previous version, except
the time interval is specified by two arguments, the first in
milliseconds, and the second in nanoseconds.
This will restart a thread that has called the wait() method for the
object to which the notify() method belongs. If several threads
have called wait() for the object, you have no control over which
thread is notified, in which case it is better to use notifyAll() . If
no threads are waiting, the method does nothing.
This will restart all threads that have called wait() for the object to
which the notifyAll() method belongs.
The basic idea of the wait() and notify() methods is that they provide a way for methods or code
blocks that are synchronized on a particular object to communicate. One block can call wait() to
suspend its operation until some other method or code block synchronized on the same object changes
it in some way, and calls notify() to signal that the change is complete. A thread will typically call
wait() because some particular property of the object it is synchronized on is not set, or some
condition is not fulfilled, and this is dependent on action by another thread. Perhaps the simplest
situation is where a resource is busy because it is being modified by another thread, but you are by no
means limited to that.
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