Java Reference
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Lastly, we output the results:
// Now output the results
"Original balance : $" + initialBalance+"\n" +
"Total credits : $" + totalCredits+"\n" +
"Total debits : $" + totalDebits+"\n" +
"Final balance : $" + account.getBalance() + "\n" +
"Should be : $" + (initialBalance + totalCredits - totalDebits));
How It Works
The variables in the main() method track the total debits and credits, and record the initial account
balance. They are there to help us figure out what has happened after the transactions have been
processed. The number of times we debit and then credit the account is stored in transactionCount ,
so the total number of transactions will be twice this value. We have added five further blocks of code to
perform the functions indicated by the comments, so let's now go through each of them in turn.
The Account object is created with the account number as 1 and with the initial balance stored in
initialBalance . We pass the bank object, theBank , to the constructor for each of the Clerk
objects, so that they can record it.
The Thread constructor requires an object of type Runnable , so we can just pass the Clerk objects in
the argument. There's no problem in doing this because the Clerk class implements the interface
Runnable . You can always implicitly cast an object to a type that is any superclass of the object or any
interface type that the object class implements.
All the transactions are generated in the for loop. The handling of debits is essentially the same as the
handling of credits, so we'll only go through the code for the latter in detail. A random amount between $50
and $75 is generated for a credit transaction by using the nextInt() method for the rand object of type
Random that we create. You'll recall that nextInt() returns an int value in the range 0 to one less than
the value of the argument, so by passing 26 to the method, we get a value between 0 and 25 returned. We
add 50 to this and, hey presto, we have a value between 50 and 75. We then use this amount to create a
Transaction object that represents a credit for the account. To keep a check on the work done by the
clerks, we add this credit to the total of all the credits generated that is stored in the variable totalCredits .
This will allow us to verify whether or not the account has been updated properly.
Before we pass the transaction to clerk1 , we must make sure that he or she isn't busy. Otherwise we
would overwrite the clerk's in-tray. The while loop does this. As long as the isBusy() method
returns true , we continue to call the sleep() method for a 25 millisecond delay, before we go round
and check again. When isBusy() returns false , we call the doTransaction() method for the clerk
with the reference to the transaction object as the argument. The for loop will run for 20 iterations,
so we'll generate 20 random transactions of each type.
The third while loop works in the same way as the previous check for a busy clerk - the loop
continues if either of the clerks is busy.
Lastly, we output the original account balance, the totals of credits and debits, and the final balance plus
what it should be for comparison. That's all we need in the method main() , so we're ready to give it a
whirl. Remember that all four classes need to be in the same directory.
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