Java Reference
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A GregorianCalendar object represents a calendar set to an instant in time on a given date.
A regular expression defines a pattern that is used for searching text.
In Java a regular expression is compiled into a Pattern object that you can then use to obtain
a Matcher object that will scan a given string looking for the pattern.
The appendReplacement () method for a Matcher object enables you to make substitutions
for patterns found in the input text.
A capturing group in a regular expression records the text that matches a sub-pattern.
By using capturing groups you can rearrange the sequence of substrings in a string
matching a pattern.
1. Define a static method to fill an array of type char[] with a given value passed as an
argument to the method.
For the adventurous gambler - use a stack and a Random object in a program to simulate a
game of Blackjack for one player using two decks of cards.
Write a program to display the sign of the Zodiac corresponding to a birth date entered
through the keyboard.
Write a program using regular expressions to remove spaces from the beginning and end of
each line in a file.
Write a program using a regular expression to reproduce a file with a sequential line number
starting at "0001" inserted at the beginning of each line in the original file. You can use a copy
of your Java source file as the input to test this.
Write a program using a regular expression to eliminate any line numbers that appear at the
beginning of lines in a file. You can use the output from the previous exercise as a test for
your program.
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