Java Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
We have defined the regular expression so that separate capturing groups identify the method name and
both arguments. As we saw earlier, the method name corresponds to group 1, the first argument to
group 2, and the second argument to group 8. We therefore define the replacement string to the
appendReplacement() method as " $1\\($8,$2\\) ". The effect of this is to replace the text for
each method call that is matched by the following, in sequence:
The text matching capturing group 1, which will be the method name.
A left parenthesis.
The text matching capturing group 8, which will be the second argument.
A comma.
The text matching capturing group 2, which will be the first argument.
A right parenthesis.
The call to appendTail() is necessary to ensure that any text left at the end of oldCode following
the last match for regEx gets copied to newCode .
In the process we have eliminated any superfluous whitespace that was laying around in the original text.
Regular expressions are a very powerful capability that we only touched on in this chapter.
The important elements we've covered are:
The java.util.Arrays class provides static methods for sorting, searching, filling, and
comparing arrays.
Objects of type Random can generate pseudo-random numbers of type int , long , float ,
and double . The integers are uniformly distributed across the range of the type int or long .
The floating point numbers are between 0.0 and 1.0. You can also generate numbers of type
double with a Gaussian distribution with a mean of 0.0 and a standard deviation of 1.0, and
random boolean values.
Classes derived from the Observable class can signal changes to classes that implement the
Observer interface. You define the Observer objects that are to be associated with an
Observable class object by calling the addObserver() method. This is primarily intended to
be used to implement the document/view architecture for applications in a GUI environment.
You can create Date objects to represent a date and time that you specify in milliseconds
since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 GMT, or the current date and time from your computer clock.
You can use a DateFormat object to format the date and time for a Date object as a string.
The format will be determined by the style and the locale that you specify.
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