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The Date Class
With the Date class you can create an object that represents a given date and time. You have two ways
to do this using the following constructors:
Creates an object based on the current time from your computer
clock to the nearest millisecond.
Date(long time)
Creates an object based on the time value in milliseconds since
00:00:00 GMT on January 1, 1970 that is passed as an argument.
With either constructor you create a Date object that represents a specific instant in time to the nearest
millisecond. Carrying dates around as the number of milliseconds since the dawn of the year 1970 won't
grab you as being incredibly user-friendly - but we'll come back to how we can interpret a Date object
better in a moment. The Date class provides three methods for comparing Date objects:
Comparison Methods
(Date earlier)
Returns true if the current object represents a date that's later
than the date represented by the argument earlier , and
false otherwise.
(Date later)
Returns true if the current object represents a date that's earlier
than the date represented by the argument later , and false
(Object aDate)
Returns true if the current object and the argument represent
the same date and time, and false otherwise. This implies that
they would both return the same value from getTime() .
The equals() method returns true if two different Date objects represent the same date and time.
Since the hashCode() method is also implemented for the class, you have all you need to use Date
objects as keys in a hash table.
Interpreting Date Objects
The DateFormat class is an abstract class that you can use to create meaningful String
representations of Date objects. It isn't in the java.util package though - it's defined in the package
java.text . There are four standard representations for the date and the time that are identified by
constants defined in the DateFormat class. The effects of these will vary in different countries, because
the representation for the date and the time will reflect the conventions of those countries. The
constants in the DateFormat class defining the four formats are:
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