Java Reference
In-Depth Information
new Person("Officer","What's all this then?"),
new Person("Eileen Backwards", "Oh, no, it's horrible - those teeth!"),
new Person("Phil McCavity", "I'm your local dentist - here's my card."),
new Person("Slim Sagebrush", "What in tarnation's goin' on here?"),
new Person("Freaky Weirdo", "Real cool, man. Where can I get that stuff?")
// Add the observers
for(int i = 0; i < crowd.length; i++)
man.drinkPotion(); // Dr. Jekyll drinks up
If you compile and run this, you should get the output:
It's Mr.Hyde
Freaky Weirdo: Real cool, man. Where can I get that stuff?
It's Mr.Hyde
Slim Sagebrush: What in tarnation's goin' on here?
It's Mr.Hyde
Phil McCavity: I'm your local dentist - here's my card.
It's Mr.Hyde
Eileen Backwards: Oh, no, it's horrible - those teeth!
It's Mr.Hyde
Officer: What's all this then?
How It Works
JekyllAndHyde is a very simple class with just two methods. The drinkPotion() method encourages
Dr. Jekyll to do his stuff, and the getName() method enables anyone who is interested to find out who he is.
The class extends the Observable class so we can add observers for an object of this class.
The revamped Person class implements the Observer interface, so an object of this class can observe
an Observable object. When notified of a change in the object being observed, the update()
method will be called. Here, it just outputs who the person is, and what they say.
In the Horrific class, after defining Dr. Jekyll in the variable man , we create an array, crowd , of type
Observer to hold the observers - which are of type Person , of course. We can use an array of type
Observer because the class Person implements the Observer interface. We pass two arguments to
the Person class constructor: a name, and a string that is what the person will say when they see a
change in Dr. Jekyll. We add each of the observers for the object man in the for loop.
Calling the drinkPotion() method for the object man results in the internal name being changed, the
setChanged() method being called for the man object, and the notifyObservers() method that is
inherited from the Observable class being called. This causes the update() method for each of the
registered observers to be called, which generates the output. If you comment out the setChanged()
call in the drinkPotion() method, and compile and run the program again, you'll get no output.
Unless setChanged() is called, the observers aren't notified.
Now let's move on to look at the java.util.Random class.
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