Java Reference
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public static String fixedWidth(long value, int width) {
char[] valChars = String.valueOf(value).toCharArray();
assert width> valChars.length;
char[] field = new char[width];
java.util.Arrays.fill(field, 0, width-valChars.length, ' '); // Partial fill
with spaces
for(int i = 0 ; i<valChars.length ; i++)
field[width-valChars.length+i] = valChars[i]; // Copy value characters
return new String(field);
Here we assemble the whole field as a character array. We fill the elements of the field array that will not
be occupied by characters for the value with spaces. We then copy the characters from the array valChars
to the back of the field array. Finally we return a String object that we create from the field array.
Comparing Arrays
There are nine overloaded versions of the equals() method for comparing arrays, one for each of the
types that apply to the fill() method. All versions of equals() are of the form:
equals( type [] array1, type [] array2)
The method returns true if array1 is equal to array2 and false otherwise. The two arrays are
equal if they contain the same number of elements and the values of all corresponding elements in the
two arrays are equal. If array1 and array2 are both null , they are also considered to be equal.
When floating point arrays are compared, 0.0 is considered to be equal to -0.0 , and two elements that
contain NaN are also considered to be equal. When arrays with elements of a class type are compared, the
elements are compared by calling the equals() method for the class. If you have not implemented the
equals() method in your own classes then the version inherited from the Object class will be used. This
compares references, not objects, and so only returns true if both object references refer to the same object.
Here's how you can compare two arrays:
String[] numbers = {"one", "two", "three", "four" };
String[] values = {"one", "two", "three", "four" };
if(java.util.Arrays.equals(numbers, values))
System.out.println("The arrays are equal");
System.out.println("The arrays are not equal");
In this fragment both arrays are equal so the equals() method will return true .
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