Java Reference
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Iterator keyIter = keys.iterator();
You can use the iterator() method for the object keys to iterate over all the keys in the map. Of
course, you can combine these two operations to get the iterator directly. For example:
Iterator keyIter = aMap.keySet().iterator(); // Get the iterator
while(keyIter.hasNext()) // Iterate over the keys
This iterates over all the keys and outputs their String representation - KeyType in this fragment
represents the class type of the keys.
The method entrySet() returns a Set object referencing the key/object pairs. In a similar way to the
one that we used for the set of keys, you can obtain an iterator to make the Map.Entry objects
available. Each Map.Entry object will contain the following methods to operate on it:
Returns the key for the Map.Entry object as type Object .
Returns the object for the Map.Entry object as type Object .
setValue(Object new)
Sets the object for this Map.Entry object to the argument and
returns the original object. Remember that this alters the
original map. This method throws:
UnsupportedOperationException if put() is not
supported by the underlying map.
ClassCastException if the argument cannot be stored
because of its type.
IllegalArgumentException if the argument is otherwise
NullPointerException if the map does not allow null
objects to be stored. This last exception does not apply to
HashMap .
A Map.Entry object will also need an equals() method for comparisons with another Map.Entry object
passed as an argument and a hashCode() method to compute a hash code for the Map.Entry object.
With a set of Map.Entry objects you can obviously access the keys and the corresponding objects by
obtaining an iterator, and you can modify the object part of each key/object pair if you need to.
Finally the values() method for a HashMap object will return a Collection object that is a
collection of all the objects in the map. This enables you to use the iterator() member to obtain an
iterator for the collection of objects.
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