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public class TestData {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Data data = new Data(1);
try {
// Create the object output stream
ObjectOutputStream objectOut =
new ObjectOutputStream(
new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream("C:/Beg Java Stuff/dataObjects.bin")));
// Write three variants of the object to the file
objectOut.writeObject(data); // Write object
System.out.println("1st Object written has value: "+data.getValue());
data.setValue(2); // Modify the object
objectOut.writeObject(data); // and write it again
System.out.println("2nd Object written has value: "+data.getValue());
data.setValue(3); // Modify the object again...
objectOut.writeObject(data); // and write it once more
System.out.println("3rd Object written has value: "+data.getValue());
objectOut.close(); // Close the output stream
} catch(IOException e) {
// Read the three objects back from the file
System.out.println("\nReading objects from the file: ");
try {
ObjectInputStream objectIn =
new ObjectInputStream(
new BufferedInputStream(
new FileInputStream("C:/Beg Java Stuff/dataObjects.bin")));
Data data1 = (Data)objectIn.readObject();
Data data2 = (Data)objectIn.readObject();
Data data3 = (Data)objectIn.readObject();
System.out.println("1st object is " + (data1.equals(data2)? "" : "not ")
+ "Equal to 2nd object.");
System.out.println("2nd object is " + (data2.equals(data3)? "" : "not ")
+ "Equal to 3rd object.");
System.out.println("data1 = "+data1.getValue() // Display object values
+ " data2 = " + data2.getValue()
+ " data3 = "+data3.getValue());
objectIn.close(); // Close the input stream
} catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
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