Java Reference
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FileDescriptor Objects
A FileOutputStream object has a method, getFD() , which returns an object of type FileDescriptor
that represents the current connection to the physical file. You cannot create a FileDescriptor object
yourself. You can only obtain a FileDescriptor object by calling the getFD() method for an object that
represents a file stream. Once you have closed the stream, you can no longer obtain the FileDescriptor
object for it since the connection to the file will have been terminated.
You can use a FileDescriptor object to create other stream objects when you want to have several
connected to the same file concurrently. Since a FileDescriptor object represents an existing
connection, you can only use it to create streams with read and/or write permissions that are consistent
with the original stream. You can't use the FileDescriptor object from a FileOutputStream to
create a FileInputStream for instance.
If you look at the documentation for the FileDescriptor class, you'll see that it also defines three
public static data members: in , out , and err , which are themselves of type FileDescriptor . These
correspond to the standard system input, the standard system output, and the standard error stream
respectively, and they are there as a convenience for when you want to create byte or character stream
objects corresponding to the standard streams.
Don't confuse the data members of the FileDescriptor class with the data
members of the same name defined by the System class in the java.lang package.
The in , out , and err data members of the System class are of type PrintStream ,
so they have the print() and println() methods. The FileDescriptor data
members do not.
In this chapter, we have discussed the facilities for inspecting physical files and directories, and for
writing basic types of data to a file. The important points we have discussed include:
An object of the class File can encapsulate a file or directory path. The path encapsulated by
a File object does not necessarily correspond to a physical file or directory.
You can use a File object to test whether the path it encapsulates refers to a physical file or
directory. If it does not, there are methods available to create it together with any directories
that are part of the path that may also be required.
The File class defines static methods for creating temporary files.
An object of type FileDescriptor can also identify a physical file.
A FileOutputStream object can be created from a File object and the file will be opened
for writing. If the file does not exist it will be created where possible.
You can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink.
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