Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The argument to the StreamTokenizer is the original standard input stream, , inside an
InputStreamReader object that converts the bytes to Unicode, inside a BufferedReader that
supplies the stream of Unicode characters via a buffer in memory.
Before we can make use of our StreamTokenizer object for keyboard input, we need to understand a
bit more about how it works.
Tokenizing a Stream
The StreamTokenizer class defines objects that can read an input stream and parse it into tokens.
The input stream is read and treated as a series of separate bytes, and each byte is regarded as a
character in the range 'u\0000' to 'u\00FF' . A StreamTokenizer object in its default state can
recognize the following kinds of tokens:
A sequence consisting of the digits 0 to 9, plus possibly a decimal point,
and a + or - sign.
Any sequence of characters between a pair of single quotes or a pair of
double quotes.
Any sequence of letters or digits 0 to 9 beginning with a letter. A letter is
defined as any of A to Z and a to z or \u00A0 to \u00FF. A word follows
a whitespace character and is terminated by another whitespace
character, or any character other than a letter or a digit.
Any sequence of characters beginning with a forward slash, /, and
ending with the end-of-line character. Comments are ignored and not
returned by the tokenizer.
All byte values from \u0000 to \u0020, which includes space, backspace,
horizontal tab, vertical tab, line feed, form feed, and carriage return.
Whitespace acts as a delimiter between tokens and is ignored (except
within a quoted string).
To retrieve a token from the stream, you call the nextToken() method for the StreamTokenizer object:
int tokenType = 0;
try {
while(tokenType = tokenizer.nextToken() != tokenizer.TT _ EOF) {
// Do something with the token...
} catch (IOException e) {
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