Java Reference
In-Depth Information
How It Works
All the try , catch , and finally blocks in the example have output statements so we can trace the
sequence of execution.
Within the divide() method the code in the try block can throw an arithmetic exception if the
element array[index + 1] of the array passed to it is 0. It can also throw an
ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception in the try block if the index value passed to it is negative, or it
results in index + 2 being beyond the array limits. Both these exceptions are caught by one or other
of the catch blocks so they will not be apparent in the calling method main() .
Note, however, that the last statement in divide() can also throw an index-out-of-bounds exception:
return array[index+2];
This statement is outside the try block so the exception will not be caught. The exception will therefore be
thrown by the method when it is called in main() . However, we aren't obliged to declare that the
divide() method throws this exception because the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException class is a
subclass of RuntimeException , and is therefore exempted from the obligation to deal with it.
The main() method has two try blocks. The first try block encloses three calls to the divide()
method. The first call will execute without error; the second call will cause an arithmetic exception in
the method; and the third call will cause an index-out-of-bounds exception. There are two catch
blocks for the first try block in main() to deal with these two potential exceptions.
The read() method in the second try block in main() can cause an I/O exception to be thrown.
Since this is one of the exceptions that the compiler will check for, we must either put the statement that
calls the read() method in a try block, and have a catch block to deal with the exception, or
declare that main() throws the IOException exception. If we don't do one or the other, the program
will not compile.
Using the read() method in this way has the effect of pausing the program until the Enter key is
pressed. We'll be looking at read() , and other methods for I/O operations, in the next four chapters.
The class IOException is in the package , so we need the import statement for this class
because we refer to it in the catch block. Remember that only classes defined in java.lang are
included in your program automatically.
Normal Execution of a Method
The first line of output from the example, TryBlockTest , indicates that execution of the try block in
main() has begun. The next block of four lines of output from the example is the result of a
straightforward execution of the method divide() . No exceptions occur in divide() , so no catch
blocks are executed.
The code at the end of the method divide() , following the catch blocks, isn't executed because the
return statement in the try block ends the execution of the method. However, the finally block in
divide() is executed before the return to the calling method occurs. If you comment out the return
statement at the end of the divide() method's try block and run the example again, the code that
follows the finally block will be executed.
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