Java Reference
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System.out.println("Outside first try block in main()");
System.out.println("\nPress Enter to exit");
// This try block is just to pause the program before returning
try {
System.out.println("In second try block in main()");; // Pauses waiting for input...
} catch(IOException e) { // The read() method can throw exceptions
System.out.println("I/O exception caught in main()");
} finally { // This will always be executed
System.out.println("finally block for second try block in main()");
System.out.println("Code after second try block in main()");
Because the read() method for the object in (this object represents the standard input stream,
analogous to out ) can throw an I/O exception, it must itself be called in a try block and have an
associated catch block, unless we chose to add a throws clause to the header line of main() .
If you run the example it will produce the output:
First try block in main()entered
First try block in divide() entered
Code at end of first try block in divide()
finally block in divide()
result = 2
First try block in divide() entered
Arithmetic exception caught in divide()
finally block in divide()
Executing code after try block in divide()
result = 2
First try block in divide() entered
Index-out-of-bounds exception caught in divide
finally block in divide()
Executing code after try block in divide()
Index-out-of-bounds exception caught in main()
Outside first try block in main()
Press Enter to exit
In second try block in main()
finally block for second try block in main()
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