Java Reference
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if(pet instanceof Duck)
((Duck)pet).layEgg(); // It is a duck so we can have an egg for tea
So what is the difference between this and using getClass() ? Well, it's quite subtle. The
instanceof operator checks whether a cast of the object referenced by the left operand to the type
specified by the right operand is legal. The result will be true if the object is the same type as the right
operand, or of any subclass type . We can illustrate the difference by choosing a slightly different example.
Suppose pet stores a reference to an object of type Spaniel . We want to call a method defined in the
Dog class so we need to check that pet does really reference a Dog object. We can check for whether
or not we have a Dog object with the statements:
if(pet instanceof Dog)
System.out.println("We have a dog!");
System.out.println("It's definitely not a dog!");
We will get confirmation that we have a Dog object here even though it is actually a Spaniel object.
This is fine though for casting purposes. As long as the Dog class is in the class hierarchy for the object,
the cast will work OK, so the operator is telling us what we need to know. However, suppose we write:
if(pet.getClass() == Dog.class)
System.out.println("We have a dog!");
System.out.println("It's definitely not a dog!");
Here the if expression will be false because the class type of the object is Spaniel , so its Class
object is different from that of Dog.class - we would have to write Spaniel.class to get the value
true from the if expression.
We can conclude from this that for casting purposes you should always use the instanceof operator
to check the type of a reference. You only need to resort to checking the Class object corresponding to
a reference when you need to confirm the exact type of the reference.
Designing Classes
A basic problem in object-oriented programming is deciding how the classes in your program should
relate to one another. One possibility is to create a hierarchy of classes by deriving classes from a base
class that you have defined, and adding methods and data members to specialize the subclasses. Our
Animal class and the subclasses derived from it are an example of this. Another possibility is to define
a set of classes which are not hierarchical, but which have data members that are themselves class
objects. A Zoo class might well have objects of types derived from Animal as members, for instance.
You can have class hierarchies that contain data members that are class objects - we already have this
with our classes derived from Animal since they have members of type String . The examples so far
have been relatively clear-cut as to which approach to choose, but it is not always so evident. Quite
often you will have a choice between defining your classes as a hierarchy, and defining classes that have
members that are class objects. Which is the best approach to take?
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