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Try It Out - A Spaniel Class
Start the Spaniel class off with this minimal code:
class Spaniel extends Dog {
public Spaniel(String aName) {
super(aName, "Spaniel");
To try this out you can add a Spaniel object to the array theAnimals in the previous example, by
changing the statement to:
Animal[] theAnimals = {
new Dog("Rover", "Poodle"),
new Cat("Max", "Abyssinian"),
new Duck("Daffy","Aylesbury"),
new Spaniel("Fido")
Don't forget to add in the comma after the Duck . Try running the example again.
How It Works
The class Spaniel will inherit members from the class Dog , including the members of Dog that are
inherited from the class Animal . The class Dog is a direct superclass, and the class Animal is an
indirect superclass of the class Spaniel . The only additional member of Spaniel is the constructor.
This calls the Dog class constructor using the keyword super and passes the value of aName and the
String object " Spaniel " to it.
If you run the TryPolymorphism class once more, you should get a choice of the Spaniel object
from time to time. Thus the class Spaniel is also participating in the polymorphic selection of the
methods toString() and sound() , which in this case are inherited from the parent class, Dog . The
inherited toString() method works perfectly well with the Spaniel object, but if you wanted to
provide a unique version, you could add it to the Spaniel class definition. This would then be
automatically selected for a Spaniel object rather than the method inherited from the Dog class.
Abstract Classes
In the class Animal , we introduced a version of the method sound() that did nothing because we
wanted to call the sound() method in the subclass objects dynamically. The method sound() has no
meaning in the context of the generic class Animal , so implementing it does not make much sense.
This situation often arises in object-oriented programming. You will often find yourself creating a
superclass from which you will derive a number of subclasses, just to take advantage of polymorphism.
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