Java Reference
In-Depth Information
When I ran the program, I got the output:
Gray Topper contains:
Moppsy1 Moppsy2 Floppsy1
Black Topper contains:
Thumper2 Gnasher1
Baseball Cap contains:
Moppsy4 Moppsy5 Thumper3
You are likely to get something different.
How It Works
Each MagicHat object will contain a random number of Rabbit objects. The constructor for a
MagicHat object stores the name of the hat in its private member hatName , and generates a Rabbit
array with at least one, and up to maxRabbits elements. This is done with the expression
1+select.nextInt(maxRabbits) . Calling nextInt() with the argument maxRabbits will
return a value that is from 0 to maxRabbits-1 inclusive. Adding 1 to this will result in a value from 1
to maxRabbits inclusive. The array so created is then filled with Rabbit objects.
The MagicHat class also has a method toString() method which returns a String object
containing the name of the hat and the names of all the rabbits in the hat. This assumes that the Rabbit
class also has a toString() method defined. We will be able to use the toString() implicitly in an
output statement when we come to create and display MagicHat class objects.
The base names that we use to generate rabbit names are defined in the static array
rabbitNames[] in the Rabbit class. The count for each base name, which we will append to the
base name to produce a unique name for a rabbit, is stored in the static array
rabbitNamesCount[] . This has the same number of elements as the rabbitNames array, and each
element stores a value to be appended to the corresponding name in the rabbitNames array. The
Rabbit class has the data member, name , to store a name that is initialized in the constructor. A
random base name is selected from the rabbitNames[] array using an index value from 0 up to one
less than the length of this array. We then append the current count for the name incremented by 1, so
successive uses of any base name such as Gnasher , for example, will produce names Gnasher1 ,
Gnasher2 , and so on. The toString() method for the class returns the name for the Rabbit object.
The method main() in TryNestedClass creates three MagicHat objects and outputs the string
representation of each of them. Putting the object as an argument to the println() method will call
the toString() method for the object automatically, and the String object that is returned will be
output to the screen.
Using a Non-Static Nested Class
In our previous example, we could define the Rabbit class as non-static by deleting the keyword
static . However, if you try that, the program will no longer compile and run. The problem is the
static data members' rabbitNames and rabbitNamesCount in the Rabbit class. We saw earlier
that a non-static nested class cannot have static members, so we must seek an alternative way of dealing
with names.
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