Java Reference
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How It Works
The method power() has two parameters, the value x and the power n . The method performs four
different actions, depending on the value of n :
n >1
A recursive call to power() is made with n reduced by 1, and the value returned is
multiplied by x . This is effectively calculating x n as x times x n-1 .
n <0
x -n is equivalent to 1 /xn so this is the expression for the return value. This involves a
recursive call to power() with the sign of n reversed.
n =0
x 0 is defined as 1, so this is the value returned.
n =1
x 1 is x , so x is returned.
Just to make sure the process is clear we can work through the sequence of events as they occur in the
calculation of 5 4 .
Relevant Code
The first call of the power()
method passes 5.0 and 4 as
arguments. Since the second
argument, n , is greater than 1, the
power() method is called again in
the return statement, with the
second argument reduced by 1.
Power(5.0, 4) {
if(n > 1)
return 5.0*power(5.0, 4-1);
The second call of the power()
method passes 5.0 and 3 as
arguments. Since the second
argument, n, is still greater than 1,
the power() method is called again
in the return statement with the
second argument reduced by 1.
Power(5.0, 3) {
if(n > 1)
return 5.0*power(5.0, 3-1);
Power(5.0, 2) {
if(n > 1)
return 5.0*power(5.0, 2-1);
The third call of the power()
method passes 5.0 and 2 as
arguments. Since the second
argument, n , is still greater than 1,
the power() method is called again,
with the second argument again
reduced by 1.
The fourth call of the power()
method passes 5.0 and 1 as
arguments. Since the second
argument, n , is not greater than 1,
the value of the first argument, 5.0,
is returned to level 3 .
Power(5.0, 1) {
if(n > 1)
return 5.0;
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