Java Reference
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It is a capital letter
It is a lower case letter
It is not a letter
It is not a letter
It is not a letter
We have four if statements altogether. The first if tests whether symbol is ' A ' or greater. If it is, it
could be a capital letter, a small letter, or possibly something else. But if it isn't, it is not a letter at all, so
the else for this if statement (towards the end of the program) produces a message to that effect.
The nested if statement, which is executed if symbol is ' A ' or greater, tests whether it is ' Z ' or less. If it
is, then symbol definitely contains a capital letter and the appropriate message is displayed. If it isn't
then it may be a small letter, so another if statement is nested within the else clause of the first nested
if , to test for this possibility.
The if statement in the else clause tests for symbol being greater than ' a '. If it isn't, we know that
symbol is not a letter and a message is displayed. If it is, another if checks whether symbol is ' z ' or
less. If it is we have a small letter, and if not we don't have a letter at all.
You will have to run the example a few times to get all the possible messages to come up. They all will
- eventually.
Having carefully crafted our convoluted and cumbersome condition checking, now's the time to reveal
that there is a much easier way to achieve the same result.
Logical Operators
The tests we have put in the if expressions have been relatively simple so far, except perhaps for the
last one. Real life is typically more complicated. You will often want to combine a number of conditions
so that you execute a particular course, for example, if they are all true simultaneously. You can ride
the roller coaster if you are over 12 years old, over four feet tall, and less than six feet six. Failure on any
count and it's no go. Sometimes, though, you may need to test for any one of a number of conditions
being true , for example, you get a lower price entry ticket if you are under 16, or over 65.
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