Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The Element interface also declares four methods for adding attributes:
Attr attr)
Adds the node attr to the element. If an attribute node with
the same name already exists, it will be replaced by attr .
The method returns either a reference to an existing Attr
node that has been replaced or null . The method can throw
a DOMException with the following codes:
WRONG _ DOCUMENT _ ERR if attr belongs to another
NO _ MODIFICATION _ ALLOWED _ ERR if the element is read-
INUSE _ ATTRIBUTE _ ERR if attr already belongs to another
Attr attr)
As above but applies to an element defined within a
String name,
Add a new attribute node with the specified name and
value . If the attribute has already been added, its value is
changed to value . The method can throw DOMException
with the codes:
String value)
INVALID _ CHARACTER _ ERR if name contains an illegal
NO _ MODIFICATION _ ALLOWED _ ERR if the element is read-
As above but with the attribute within the namespace nsURI .
In addition this method can throw a DOMException with the
code NAMESPACE _ ERR if qualifiedName is invalid or not
within the namespace.
String nsURI,
String qualifiedName,
String value)
Since we know enough about constructing a Document object to have a stab at putting together an
object encapsulating a real XML document, let's have a stab at it.
Storing a Sketch as XML
We have already defined a DTD in the previous chapter that is suitable for defining a sketch. We can
see how we can put together the code to store a sketch as an XML document instead of as a serialized
object. Obviously we'll use the DTD we already have, and we can create a Document object with a
DocumentType node via a DOMImplementation object from a DocumentBuilder object. We can
do this with two statements in a try block:
Document doc = null;
try {
DOMImplementation domImpl = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
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