Java Reference
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Of course, you can also output the stack trace, return from the method, or even end the program here if
you want.
Adding to a Document
The Document interface declares methods for adding nodes to a Document object. You can create
nodes encapsulating elements, attributes, text, entity references, comments, CDATA sections, and
processing instructions so you can assemble a Document object representing a complete XML
document. The methods declared by the Document interface are:
createElement(String name)
Returns a reference to an Element object
encapsulating an element with name as the tag
name. The method will throw an exception of type
set if name contains an invalid character.
String nsURI,
Returns a reference to an Element object
encapsulating an element with qualifiedName as
the tag name in the namespace nsURI . The method
will throw an exception of type DOMException
qualifiedName contains an invalid character or
NAMESPACE _ ERR if it has a prefix "xml" and
nsURI is not .
String qualifiedName)
createAttribute(String name)
Returns a reference to an Attr object
encapsulating an attribute with name as the
attribute name and its value as "" . The method will
throw an exception of type DOMException with
INVALID _ CHARACTER _ ERR set if name contains
an invalid character.
Returns a reference to an Attr object
encapsulating an attribute with qualifiedName as
the attribute name in the namespace nsURI and its
value as "" . The method will throw an exception of
type DOMException with
INVALID _ CHARACTER _ ERR set if the name
contains an invalid character or NAMESPACE _ ERR if
the name conflicts with the namespace.
String nsURI,
String qualifiedName)
createTextNode(String text)
Returns a reference to a Text node containing the
string text .
createComment(String comment)
Returns a reference to a Comment node containing
the string comment .
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