Java Reference
In-Depth Information
endElement(String uri,
:Called when the end of an element is
recognized. The references passed to the
method are as described for the
startElement() method.
String localName,
String qName)
characters(char[] ch,
int start,
Called for each segment of character data
that is recognized. Note that a contiguous
segment of text within an element can be
returned as several chunks by the parser via
several calls to this method. The characters
that are available are from ch[start] to
ch[start+length-1] . and you must not
try to access the array outside these limits.
int length)
ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch,
int start,
Called for each segment of ignorable
whitespace that is recognized within the
content of an element. Note that a
contiguous segment of ignorable whitespace
within an element can be returned as several
chunks by the parser via several calls to this
method. The whitespace characters are that
available are from ch[start] to
ch[start+length-1] . and you must not
try to access the array outside these limits.
int length)
startPrefixMapping(String prefix,
String uri)
Called when the start of a prefix URI
namespace mapping is identified. Most of
the time you can disregard this method as a
parser will automatically replace prefixes for
elements and attribute names by default.
endPrefixMapping(String prefix)
Called when the end of a prefix URI
namespace mapping is identified. Most of
the time you can disregard this method for
the reason noted above.
processingInstruction(String target,
String data)
Called for each processing instruction
skippedEntity(String name)
Called for each entity that the parser skips.
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