Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The EntityResolver interface declares one method, resolveEntity() , that is called by
a parser to pass a public and/or system ID to your application to allow external entities in the
document to be resolved.
The DTDHandler interface declares two methods that will be called to notify your application
of DTD-related events.
The ErrorHandler interface defines three methods that will be called when the parser has
identified an error of some kind in the document.
All four interfaces are defined in the org.xml.sax package. Of course you can define a handler class that
implements these interfaces, but you will probably find it easier to extend the DefaultHandler class.
The basic methods that you must implement to deal with parsing events related to document content
are those declared by the ContentHandler interface so let's concentrate on those first. All the
methods have a void return type, and they are as follows
Called when the start of a document is
Called when the end of a document is
startElement(String uri,
String localName,
Called when the start of an element is
recognized. Up to three names may be
provided for the element:
String qName,
Attributes attr)
uri is the namespace URI for the element
name. This will be an empty string if there is
no uri or if namespace processing is not
being done.
localName is the unqualified local name
for the element. This will be an empty string
if namespace processing is not being done.
In this case the element name is reported via
the qName parameter.
qName is the qualified name for the element.
This will be just the name if the parser is not
namespace aware. (A colon, if it appears, is
then just an ordinary character.)
The attr reference encapsulates the
attributes for the element that have explicit
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