Java Reference
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We need to add the printWindowAction member to the class so change the declaration for the file
action members of the SketchFrame class to:
private FileAction newAction, openAction, closeAction, saveAction,
saveAsAction, printAction, printWindowAction;
Because our new menu item is a FileAction object, events originating from it will invoke the handler
that we defined in the FileAction inner class. We need to add some code to the
actionPerformed() method in the inner class to deal with them. Add the following code after the
if that handles the printAction events:
} else if(name.equals(printWindowAction.getValue(NAME))) {
PrinterJob printJob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); // Get a print job
PrintService printer = printJob.getPrintService();
PrintRequestAttributeSet printAttr =
new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
if(printer == null) {
"No default printer available.",
"Printer Error",
PageFormat pageFormat = printJob.defaultPage(); // and default format
// The app window is the page source
if(printJob.printDialog(printAttr)) { // Display print dialog
// If true is returned...
try {
printJob.print(printAttr); // ...then print
} catch(PrinterException pe) {
"Error printing the window.",
"Printer Error",
The application window, which is the SketchFrame object, window , is responsible for printing the
window because it is obviously best placed to do this, so we must make the SketchFrame class
implement the Printable interface. Change the first line of the class definition to:
public class SketchFrame extends JFrame
implements Constants, ActionListener, Observer, Printable
Now we can add the definition of the print() method to the class:
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