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Printing Swing Components
Printing components is easier than you might think. Swing components are particularly easy to print
because they already know how to draw themselves. You should not call a Swing component's
paint() method when you want to print it though. Rendering of Swing components is buffered by
default to improve the efficiency of displaying them but printing one by calling its paint() method
adds a lot of unnecessary overhead to the printing operation. Instead you should call the print()
method that is defined in the JComponent class. This will render the component directly to the
graphics context that is passed as an argument, so there is no buffering of the output. The method
automatically prints any child components that the component contains, so you only need to call
print() directly for a top-level component.
The print() method for a Swing component that has JComponent as a base calls three protected
methods to actually carry out the printing:
printComponent(Graphics g)
Prints the component.
printBorder(Graphics g)
Prints the component border.
printChildren(Graphics g)
Prints components that are children of the
If you want to customize how a Swing component is printed you can subclass the component and override
any or all of these. This doesn't apply to a JFrame component though. The JFrame class is a subclass of
Frame and does not have JComponent as a superclass. However, you can still call the print() method for
a JFrame component to print it. In this case it's inherited from the Container class.
Let's implement a capability to print the Sketcher application window to see how this can be done.
Try It Out - Printing the Sketcher Window
First we will add a menu item to the Fi le menu in Sketcher to print the window. We will define this
using an instance the FileAction class:
saveAsAction = new FileAction("Save As...", "Save as new file");
printAction = new FileAction("Print",
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('P',Event.CTRL _ MASK), "Print sketch");
printWindowAction = new FileAction("Print window",
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('W',Event.CTRL _ MASK), "Print current window");
addMenuItem(fileMenu, newAction);
addMenuItem(fileMenu, openAction);
fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
addMenuItem(fileMenu, saveAction);
addMenuItem(fileMenu, saveAsAction);
fileMenu.addSeparator(); // Add separator
addMenuItem(fileMenu, printAction);
addMenuItem(fileMenu, printWindowAction);
// Rest of the code as before...
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