Java Reference
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The solution is to implement the Pageable interface in a class, and call the setPageable() method
for the PrinterJob object instead of setPrintable() . The essential difference between the
Printable and Pageable interfaces is that a Printable object encapsulates a single page to be
printed whereas a Pageable object encapsulates multiple pages. Each of the pages to be printed by a
Pageable object is encapsulated by a Printable object though.
Implementing the Pageable Interface
A class that implements the Pageable interface defines a set of pages to be printed. A Pageable
object must be able to supply the PrinterJob object a count of the number of pages for a job, a
reference of type Printable for the object that is to print each page, plus a PageFormat object
defining the format of each page. The PrinterJob acquires this information by calling the three
methods declared in the Pageable interface:
Must return an int value specifying the number of
pages to be printed. If the number of pages cannot
be determined then the value
UNKNOWN _ NUMBER _ OF _ PAGES can be returned.
This value is defined in the Pageable interface.
getPageFormat(int pageIndex)
This method must return a PageFormat object for
the page specified by the page index that is passed
to it.
getPrintable(int pageIndex)
This method must return a reference of type
Printable to the object responsible for printing
the page specified by the page index that is passed
to it.
At the start of a print job the PrinterJob object will call the getNumberOfPages() method to
determine how many pages are to be printed. If you return the value UNKNOWN _ NUMBER _ OF _ PAGES
then the process relies on a Printable object returning NO _ SUCH _ PAGE at some point to stop
printing. It is therefore a good idea to supply the number of pages when it can be determined.
For each page index, the PrinterJob object will call the getPageFormat() method to obtain the
PageFormat object to be used, and call the getPrintable() method to obtain a reference to the
object that will do the printing. Of course, just because you can supply a different Printable object for
each page doesn't mean that you must . You could use as many or as few as you need for your
application. Remember that the print() method for a Printable object may be called more than
once by the PrinterJob object to print a particular page and the page should be rendered each time,
so you must not code the method in a way that presumes otherwise.
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