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principles apply to lateral connectivity. Indeed, one
could simply move the hidden2 unit down into the
same layer as hidden1 , where they would be just like
two parts of one interconnected pattern, and if one were
activated, it would be bootstrapped and amplified by the
Hidden1 Act
Go to the PDP++Root window. To continue on to
the next simulation, close this project first by selecting
.projects/Remove/Project_0 . Or, if you wish to
stop now, quit by selecting Object/Quit .
Hidden2 Act
, !
Exploration of Amplification with Distributed
Figure 3.16: Bootstrapping phenomenon where the activa-
tion of the hidden1 unit is just strong enough to start activat-
ing hidden2 , which then comes back and reinforces hidden1
producing strong activation in both.
The previous example illustrated the benefits of bidirec-
tional excitatory amplification, and how bootstrapping
can occur. However, when distributed representations
are used, such amplification can lead to the activation of
inappropriate units. In particular, the overlapping con-
nections required to implement distributed representa-
tions can allow excitation to spread overzealously. We
will see below how this spread can be checked by in-
hibition, but without that, we must resort to increasing
the leak current to prevent activation spread. The prob-
lem here is, as you saw with the above example, if there
is too much leak current, then it is impossible to boot-
strap the representations into activation in the first place,
so that the benefits of bidirectional excitatory amplifica-
tion are not available. Thus, this example provides some
strong motivation for the next section on inhibitory in-
Increase the strength of the leak current g_bar_l
from 3.4 to 3.5, and press Run . Next decrease the
strength of the leak current and observe the effects.
You should see that with a higher leak current (3.5),
the resulting hidden1 activation is now insufficient
to activate hidden2 , and no bootstrapping or am-
plification occurs. With decreases to the leak cur-
rent, the bottom-up activation of hidden1 is relatively
strong, so that the bootstrapping and amplification from
hidden2 are less noticeable.
This simple case of bootstrapping and amplification
provides some insight into the word-superiority effect
studied by McClelland and Rumelhart (1981) and sum-
marized in the introductory chapter. Recall that the ba-
sic effect is that people can recognize letters in the con-
text of words better than letters in the context of non-
words. The puzzle is how word-level information can
affect letter-level processing, when the letters presum-
ably must be recognized before words can be activated
in the first place. Based on this exploration, we can see
how initially weak activation of letters (i.e., the hidden
1 unit) can go up to the word-level representations (i.e.,
the hidden 2 unit), and come back down to bootstrap
and amplify corresponding letter-level representations.
Note that although this example is organized accord-
ing to bottom-up and top-down processing, the same
, !
Open the project amp_top_down_dist.proj.gz
in chapter_3 to begin.
The network here is like that in the previous example,
except that now there are multiple units per layer.
, !
Click on the r.wt button, and then click on the 3
hidden1 units.
Notice that they each receive one corresponding in-
put from the input units (this is called one-to-one con-
nectivity). Notice also that the left and right hidden1
units receive uniquely from the left and right hidden2
units, while the center hidden1 unit receives from
both hidden2 units.
, !
Now click on the the left and right hidden2 units.
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