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graphs in the text multiple times.
The development of effective semantic representa-
tions in the network depends on the fact that whenever
two similar input patterns are presented, similar hidden
units will likely be activated. These hidden layer repre-
sentations should thus encode any reliable correlations
across subsets of words. Furthermore, the network will
even learn about two words that have similar meanings,
but that do not happen to appear together in the same
paragraph. Because these words are likely to co-occur
with similar other words, both will activate a common
subset of hidden units. These hidden units will learn
a similar (high) conditional probability for both words.
Thus, when each of these words is presented alone to
the network, they will produce similar hidden activation
patterns, indicating that they are semantically related.
To keep the network a manageable size, we filtered
the text before presenting it to the network, thereby
reducing the total number of words represented in
the input layer. Two different types of filtering were
performed, eliminating the least informative words:
high-frequency noncontent words and low frequency
words. The high-frequency noncontent words primar-
ily have a syntactic role, such as determiners (e.g.,
“the,”“a,”“an”), conjunctions (“and,”“or,” etc.), pro-
nouns and their possessives (“it,”“his,” etc.), prepo-
sitions (“above,”“about,” etc.), and qualifiers (“may,”
“can,” etc.). We also filtered transition words like
“however” and “because,” high-frequency verbs (“is,”
“have,”“do,”“make,”“use,” and “give”), and number
words (“one,”“two,” etc.). The full list of filtered words
can be found in the file sem_filter.lg.list (the
“lg” designates that this is a relatively large list of high-
frequency words to filter) in the chapter_10 direc-
tory where the simulations are.
The low-frequency filtering removed any word that
occurred five or fewer times in the entire text. Repe-
titions of a word within a single paragraph contributed
only once to this frequency measure, because only the
single word unit can be active in the network even if
it occurs multiple times within a paragraph. The fre-
quencies of the words in this text are listed in the file
eccn_lg_f5.freq , and a summary count of the
number of words at the lower frequencies (1-10) is
given in the file eccn_lg_f5.freq_cnt . The ac-
Figure 10.24: Semantic network, with the input having one
unit per word. For training, all the words in a paragraph of
text are activated, and CPCA Hebbian learning takes place on
the resulting hidden layer activations.
competitive activation dynamics in the network can per-
form multiple constraint satisfaction to settle on a pat-
tern of activity that captures the meaning of arbitrary
groups of words, including interactions between words
that give rise to different shades of meaning. Thus, the
combinatorics of the distributed representation, with the
appropriate dynamics, allow a huge and complex space
of semantic information to be efficiently represented.
Basic Properties of the Model
The model has an input layer with one unit per word
(1920 words total), that projects to a hidden layer con-
taining 400 units (figure 10.24). On a given training
trial, all of the units representing the words present in
one individual paragraph are activated, and the network
settles on a hidden activation pattern as a function of
this input. If two words reliably appear together within
a paragraph, they will be semantically linked by the
network. It is also possible to consider smaller group-
ing units (e.g., sentences) and larger ones (passages),
but paragraph-level grouping has proven effective in the
LSA models. After the network settles on one para-
graph's worth of words, CPCA Hebbian learning takes
place, encoding the conditional probability that the in-
put units are active given that the hidden units are. This
process is repeated by cycling through all the para-
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