Database Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 2-5. Tableau's default interpretation of the boroughs table
By default, Tableau interprets Borough as a string (as indicated by the blue Abc to the left of
the field name); County and State as geographic data types (as indicated by the blue globes
next to these field names); and Population , Area sq-mi , and Year as continuous measures
(as indicated by the green # to the left of these field names).
Notice that a few other fields appear in italics in the Dimensions and Measures areas. These
fields aren't included in the originial table, but are rather generated by Tableau. The gener-
ated dimensions include:
Measure Names
This field is a string type that provides a list of all of the names of the fields in the Meas-
ures section (in this case, Area sq-mi , Population , Year , and Number of Records ).
The generated measures include:
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