Database Reference
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Figure 9-24. U.S. presidential administration timeline, in chronological order
It would be nice to also show the total life span of each president on the same timeline. Be-
cause we have the birth date and death date figures, and therefore total life span, in the work-
book, we can add them by using the Dual Axis feature we have already considered. Follow
these steps:
1. Drag Born from Dimensions to the left of DAY(Took office) in the Columns shelf.
2. Click in the new pill and change the from YEAR(Born) to green DAY(Born) .
3. In the Marks area, open the DAY(Born) section, replace SUM(Time in Office) with
SUM(Life Span) and remove Party from the color shelf.
4. Click the down arrow in the DAY(Took office) pill in the Columns shelf and select
Dual Axis .
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