Database Reference
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Figure 1-8. Two versions of the column graph
Principle #5: Choose an Effective Medium and Channel
What form the message takes (medium) and how it gets delivered to the audience (channel)
are critical elements of any data communication effort. Care needs to be taken in selecting
the “how,” the “when,” and the “where” to improve the chances that your audience is
reached and your goals are met.
Earlier, I referred to Hans Rosling's famous presentation at TED in February of 2006: the an-
imation of the GapMinder scatterplot, along with the narration and the pointing and arm
waving, are key features of the communication effort. The data set he was presenting was
complex, and the communication effort was also complex. He pulled it off, and the impact
has been incredibly deep.
When you communicate data, there are a few choices to make about how you will do it:
▪ Standalone graphics or narrated?
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