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▪ First, and most obviously, the lines have been placed together and Tableau has automatic-
ally colored one chart (and its trend line) red to differentiate it from the other.
▪ Second, notice that the second y-axis ( Pitchers per Team ) has been placed on the
righthand side of the chart, and that it has a different scale than the lefthand y-axis ( SO ).
▪ Third, notice that the green pills in the Rows shelf have changed shape: their adjacent
edges are flat instead of round.
▪ Finally, notice that the Marks card area to the left of the lines now has three different sec-
tions: All , SUM(SO) , and SUM(Pitchers per Team) . Click on these headers to see how
the Marks card changes to allow us to control each line separately, or both together.
One challenge to reading the dual-axis chart is that it's difficult to know which y-axis applies
to which line. To find out, we need to look from the lines to the color legend to the y-axes.
To reduce the time and effort required to match each line with its corresponding y-axis, we
can change the color of both y-axes by right-clicking the axis and selecting Format , changing
the properties as shown in Figure 9-8 . We can also double-click on the leftmost y-axis and
change the title from “SO” to something more meaningful, like “Average Strikeouts per
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