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addition, the recovery strategy may be stipulated for those matched methods.
Pointcut statements are described as:
::= pointcut ReturnValue PointcutName
LeftBracket (((Parameter)? (Comma Parameter)*)
| ParameterWildcard)
RightBracket LeftCurley RecoveryType RightCurley
::= ClassName | PrimitiveType | void
::= Identifier (Dot Identifier | Wildcard)*
::= ClassName | PrimitiveType
::= recovery Equals RecoveryOption Semi
::= RecoveryName | continue | abort | nextServer
::= Identifier
::= Identifier (Dot Identifier)*
::= boolean | byte | char | short | int | long
| float | double
::= *
::= ..
The pointcut statement supports the use of the asterisk wildcard character.
For example, the following statement:
pointcut ∗ Address.∗ (String, String);
stipulates that all methods in the class Address (Address.*) with two parameters
of the type String that have any type as a return statement ('*') are selected.
In addition, wildcard parameters are supported. The following statement:
pointcut ∗ Address.∗ (..);
stipulates that all methods in the class Address (Address.*) with any parameters
that have any type as a return statement ('*') are selected.
A compiler error is generated if a method is matched by more than one
pointcut statement.
The pointcut recovery statement may either refer to a user-defined recovery
statement, described in Section 4.3.5 or one of three built-in recovery statements
that may be used to aid recovery:
nextServer: The protocol implementation should attempt to recover from a remote
error by finding an additional server.
abort: The protocol implementation should stop in the event of a remote error.
continue: The protocol implementation should ignore remote errors.
4.4 Influences
The concept of a Distribution Definition Language has been broadly influenced
by the Interface Definition Language (IDL) concept. An IDL is a specification
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