Information Technology Reference
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Table 5.3.
REST generated output files.
Client Files
The client class file that has been al-
tered to connect to the remote service
contained in the generated
RESTServer class
The RemoteJ REST helper client class
Server Files
The server class file that hosts the
HTTP server provided by the Restlet
REST framework
The resource class called by the Reslet
REST implementation. This class re-
ceives client requests and calls the re-
quested method
servers. A comma-separated list defining the address of one or more REST servers
in URL format. In common with the JMS and RMI protocols, if defined it is
used by the nextServer statement to connect to an alternative server in the
event of a communication or distribution error. This may also be overridden
by the remotej.servers command line option.
serverThreads. The number of server threads created by the Restlet HTTP server.
serverPort. The TCP/IP port number to use for the generated HTTP server.
serverPlugin. In common with the other protocols, this optional statement is used
to add a user-defined class to be started in a thread in the server-generated
Given a DDL with the five pointcut statements illustrated in Figure 5.9,the
classes in Table 5.3 are generated.
In common with the JMS implementation, the REST implementation con-
tains two code generation phases, the client and the server generation phases.
These phases work identically to, and reuse much of the functionality of, the JMS
implementation and therefore won't be discussed further.
5.7 Implementation Issues
As discussed in Section 4.5, the DDL currently does not support pass-by-reference
semantics as supported by RIDL [65] or call-by-copy-restore as supported by J-
Orchestra [111]. Instead our implementations implement copy-by-value for all
protocols as neither the REST nor JMS protocols provide pass-by-reference. In-
deed, both the REST and JMS protocols use a simple generalised communication
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