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purchasing and support of local projects is substantial when viewed collectively.
Clearly there are also limitations and constraints to the enterprises, in particular in
terms of access. Therefore, business planning and market research should be
undertaken prior to the development of any tourism business, not least a CBTE.
Where enterprises are already established, interventions from NGOs, government
and donor agencies can help improve the viability of CBTEs by addressing their
specific concerns, needs and constraints. The promise of CBTEs can raise expec-
tations within communities to unrealistic levels, particularly within poorer areas.
Therefore undertaking studies to evaluate the viability of enterprises, establishing
whether the location is appropriate, and forging links to the rest of the tourism
industry increases the chances for the success, and for the sustainability, of
This research was coordinated by the author supported by the UNWTO ST-EP,
RETOSA and SNV, in partnership with Zachary Rozga. Institutions that coordi-
nated volunteers across the region included the Centre for Applied Social
Sciences at the University of Zimbabwe, GeoSavvy Development, NACOBTA,
Ulendo, University of Botswana, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Sky Trails Ltd,
Swaziland Tourism Authority, Tanzania Tourism Board, TechnoServe, WWF
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and Eastern Africa', Journal of Sustainable Tourism , vol 5, no 4, 306-321
Brohman, J. (1996) 'New directions in tourism for Third World development', Annals of
Tourism Research , vol 23, no 1, 48-70
Cater, E. (1996) 'Community involvement in third world ecotourism', Discussion Paper
64, Geographical Papers: Series B, Department of Geography, University of Reading,
Reading, UK
Chambers, R. (1988) 'Sustainable rural livelihoods: A key strategy for people, environ-
ment and development', in C. Conroy and M. Litvinoff (eds), The Greening of Aid:
Sustainable Livelihoods in Practice , Earthscan, London
de Kadt, E. (1990) Making the Alternative Sustainable, Lessons from Development for
Tourism , Oxford University Press, Oxford
Dixey, L. (2005) 'Inventory and analysis of community based tourism in Zambia',
Unpublished report to Production, Finance and Technology (PROFIT), a USAID
Private Sector Development Programme, Lusaka, Zambia, November
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