Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Average monthly wage,
Average monthly wage,
Average monthly wage,
all citizens
Figure 10.5 Citizen employment: wages by gender
average of 29.25 citizens and paid annual wages of P385,900 per lodge to citizens
in 2005. Extrapolated across the 107 enterprises in Category B (see Table 10.2)
this means the Ngamiland lodge sector probably disbursed a citizen payroll of
more than P41 million and provided jobs to over 3000 citizens in 2005. This
represents a very considerable pro-poor impact, particularly if one considers the
deep rural status of Ngamiland.
Ten of the surveyed operations employing a total of 236 citizens provided
information on the gender composition of their citizen workforces. These opera-
tions employed 116 citizen males (49.2 per cent of citizen employees) and 120
citizen females (50.8 per cent). Although women made up 50.8 per cent of the
sample, they captured only 42.2 per cent of the total citizen payroll. The average
monthly wage for women was P915 compared to P1137 for all citizen employees
and P1413 for male citizens. Women earned only 64.8 per cent of the average
wage paid to their male counterparts (Figure 10.5).
The survey confirms similar findings by Massyn and Koch (2004): Botswana
women employed in high value lodges appear to be at a 'double disadvantage'
compared to their male counterparts. The local workforce already receives much
lower average pay than their expatriate colleagues but local women's average wage
is lower still. The challenge in the Okavango lodge sector is therefore not only to
increase the proportion of citizens - especially local residents - employed in
higher paying positions but also to improve the position of Botswana women
relative to their male compatriots.
Business linkages
Four of the operations surveyed provided estimates of the value of goods and
services purchased from local rural residents. Local procurement at the four
operations averaged just under P59,000 for the year. This amounts to approxi-
mately 8.9 per cent of the total local payroll benefits generated by the operations
over the same period. This represents a small proportion compared to, for
example, typical patterns in countries such as South Africa. It also confirms that
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