Environmental Engineering Reference
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Spier is a white-owned family business that has no black shareholding and as such is
sometimes challenged to transfer a portion of its ownership. Spier's main focus
remains that of broad sustainability which includes an alternative view of transforma-
tion and a broader level of black economic empowerment not focused on ownership.
The ED laundry pays a low rent of ZAR1000 per month to Spier. While this could
be seen as an on-going subsidy by Spier, there is no direct opportunity cost to Spier
of the land, thus no cost to Spier is included in Table 6.6. Profits in the ED laundry
are estimated to be variable (some low season months are likely to be in the red) and
have been mainly reinvested in the business, thus do not count as benefit flow. The
owner's income comes from his regular wage, which is somewhat higher than that of
other staff.
In many cases the contract with an emerging supplier was with a relatively new or
expanding service so was not 'taken' away from others. In several cases the traditional
service provider is a large firm, for whom a change in Spier contract values is not
significant enough to affect employment rates.
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