Agriculture Reference
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of agricultural commodities into foreign countries. Food Sovereignty organizes food produc-
tion and consumption according to the needs of local communities, giving priority to produc-
tion for local consumption. Food Sovereignty includes the right to protect and regulate the na-
tional agricultural and livestok production and to shield the domestic market from the dump-
ing of agricultural surpluses and low-price imports from other countries. Landless people,
peasants, and small farmers must get access to land, water, and seed as well as productive re-
sources and adequate public services, food sovereignty and sustainability are a higher priority
than trade policies.
Aizen, M. A., Garibaldi, L. A. and Dondo, M. (2009) 'Expansión de la soja y diversidad de la
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Altieri, M. and Pengue, W. A. (2006) 'GM soybean: Latin America's new colonizer', Grain,
Seedling, , accessed 25 October 2010
Araghi, F. A. (1995) 'Global depeasantization, 1945-1990', The Sociological Quarterly , vol 36 ,
no 2, pp337-368
Araghi, F. A. (2000) 'The great global enclosure of our times: peasants and the agrarian ques-
tion at the end of the twentieth century', in F. Magdof, J. B. Foster and F. H. Butel
(eds) Hungry for Profit: The Agribusiness Threat to Farmers, Food, and the Environment ,
Monthly Review Press, New York, pp145-160.
Bank, G. A., and den Boer, K. (1991) Sowing the Whirlwind: Soya Expansion and Social
Change in Southern Brazil , Centrum voor Studie en Documentatie van Latijns Amerika,
Barbeta, P. (2009) 'En los Bordes de los Jurídico. Conlictos por la Tenencia Legal de la Tierra
en Santiago del Estero', unpublished Ph.D dissertation, Faculty of Philosophy, University
of Buenos Aires
Barreto Monzón, M. (2009) 'Case: Impacts of soybean monoculture in Paraguay: the case of
the Lote 8 community', in M. S. Emanuelli, J. Jonsén and S. Monsalve Suárez (eds) Red
Sugar, Green Deserts , FIAN International, Halmstad Sweden, pp. 278-285
de Dios, R. (2006) 'Expansión agrícola y desarrollo local en Santiago del Estero', paper presen-
ted at the 7th Latin American Conference of Rural Sociology, uito, November 20-24,
2006, , ac-
cessed 4 April 2009
de Dios, R. (2009) 'Los campesinos santiagueños y su luha por una sociedad diferente', Paper
Presented at the 1st National Congress on Social Protest, Collective Action and Social
Movements, Marh 30-31, 2009, Buenos Aires
Durand, P. B. (2009) Desarrollo Rural y Organización Campesina en la Argentina: La Experi-
encia del Movimiento Campesino de Santiago del Estero , Libros En Red, Buenos Aires
Godfray, H. C. J., Beddington, J. R., Crute, I. R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J. F., Prety,
J., Robinson, S., homas, S. M., and Toulmin, C. (2010) 'Food security: the hallenge of
feeding 9 billion people', Science , vol 327 , pp812-818
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