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N n ( r, t )= N 0 ( t ) f r
R n ( t )
where f ( ξ ) is normalized by the condition
f ( ξ ) ξ 2 =1 .
4 π
and f ( ξ )=0for ξ>
We neglect the change of concentration of neutral gas due to processes
of ionization and recombination. The total number of injected particles be
N T =const . This allows us to find a relation between N 0 ( t )and R n ( t ) . The
total number of particles is
R n ( t )
N n ( r, t )4 πr 2 dr =4 πN 0 ( t ) R n ( t )
f ( ξ ) ξ 2 dξ.
N T =
The last equation and the normalization requirement yield
R n ( t ) .
N 0 ( t )=
Equation (14.3) and dependencies R n ( t ) allow us to study the time depen-
dencies of electron and ion magnetization parameters, β e = ω ce em and
β i = ω ci im . Initially the neutral density in the cloud is so strong that the
electron-neutral collision frequencies exceed ω ce and ω ci considerably, and so
β e
1. As the cloud continues to expand, the neutral density
drops and electrons become completely frozen that is β e
1and β i
1. At this time
the ions move together with the neutral gas. With the further expansion, both
electrons and ions become frozen into the magnetic field. For emission at 150-
210 km electrons are frozen after τ e
10 ms and ions are frozen after τ i
0.5-1 s.
The basic conclusion is that virtually instantly after emission electrons
become magnetized and ions remain non-magnetized until
0 . 5 s. The hydro-
magnetic pulse, radiated due to the dynamo field, has a characteristic duration
of 0 . 5 s. The time change of β e and β i defines three stages in ionized compo-
nent dynamics: non-magnetized electrons and ions, magnetized electrons and
non-magnetized ions and electrons and ions frozen into the magnetic field.
Ionized Cloud Component Dynamics
The feedback action of charged components on neutral-gas motion can be
ignored at times τ
10 3 s. Let (14.1) be valid for the neutral gas speed, v n .
For emissions time-scale of
1 s it is possible to neglect the electron/ion
inertia in the equations of motion for electrons/ions in crossed electric and
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